‘Ellips’ series, 3 compartments, silky blue glaze, h. 12 cm, 1250ºC
‘Winged’ series, multilayered glaze, h. 15 cm, 1250ºC
'Couple', h.17cm, metallic black on lichenglaze, 1250ºC
‘Ellips’ series, beading green glaze + etched copper lid, h. 10 cm, 1250ºC.
‘Circle’ series, metallic black over lichen glaze + silver and titanium, w. 36 cm, 1250ºC.
‘Circle’ series, terra cotta slib + pastel rough glaze, w. 40 cm, 1250ºC
‘Winged’ series, crawling white glaze + silky white lid, w. 38 cm, 1250ºC
‘Winged’ series, grainy blue + silky white glaze, w. 36 cm, 1250ºC
Bottle, crawling white over grainy blue glaze, h. 42 cm, 1250ºC
Photo, detail blue bottle.
Vase with 6 half tulips, silky white + red & green glaze, h. 35 cm,1250ºC
Object, grainy blue + metallic black glaze + silver shoes, h. 30 cm, 1250ºC
Object, grainy black + silky metallic black, h. 32 cm. 1250ºC
Object, white lichen glaze, h. 35 cm, 1250ºC
Urn. Winged object, metallic black on lichen glaze, silver lid, h. 18 cm. 1250ºC.